Koi Krunchies for Hand Feeding


💧 Ideal for hand feeding goldfish, koi, and other pond fish
💧 Contains high-quality ingredients and natural citrus flavours
💧 Vitamin C aids in proper tissue formation, digestion, and disease resistance
💧 Creates minimal waste, maintaining water quality

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Aquascape Koi Krunchies are ideal for hand feeding goldfish, koi, and other pond fish, providing an excellent addition to the regular diet of your fish. This nutritious treat contains high-quality ingredients and natural citrus flavours, making them irresistible to pond fish.

The size, shape, and taste of Koi Krunchies make them a perfect tool for training your fish hand feed, often a difficult task for pond owners. A great source of vitamin C, Aquascape Koi Krunchies aid in proper tissue formation, digestion, and disease resistance. Koi Krunchies also create minimal waste, helping to keep pond water clean, clear, and healthy.

Feeding Fish Koi Krunchies

Remember to only feed when your pond water is over 10° C as during the colder months, the fish go into a state of dormancy called torpor.  During this time, their metabolism slows and they will be found much stiller at the bottom of the pond.  Feeding during this low metabolic time can cause food to rot inside their stomachs so gently taper their food with the temperature for happy fish.  The best way to know how often to feed your fish is to feed at the furthest point from the filtration and only what they will eat within 3 minutes.  This may mean feeding more often but it will prevent overeating and wasted food, rotting at the bottom of your pond.

Instructions for using Aquascape Koi Krunches:

How many:

These are healthy treats for your fish so feed as a portion of their normal food allowance

How often:

Feed up to three times daily.

How to:

Sprinkle into the water or hold still to train your fish to eat from your hand. This is a game of patience but IS possible.


Regularly feeding your fish a well-balanced food will help to keep your fish healthy and happy. Feeding by hand is a fun way to interact with your fishy friends.

Please note:

Water temperature should be a minimum of 10° C before feeding this formulation.

Keep out of reach of children.


Store at room temperature.

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